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Monday, February 14, 2011

A slight readjustment

First there was the actual Little House of Concrete, a masonry block structure that derived its name from a suggestion from The Woodman on the Elvis Costello Mailing List circa 1997, along with subtitle A Very Fashionable Hovel.

EC afficianados would, of course, recognize the Little Hands of Concrete as a self-derived descriptor of EC's guitar technique, and the quote from Beyond Belief in the subtitle.

When Australia was being filmed in downtown Bowen in 2007 i wanted to write a blog about the shooting and related matters, and figured that the LHoC was a suitable blog title. That Telstra BigBlog went the way such things go when I changed ISPs, but the text and photos ended up here.

By that stage I'd already signed up for .Mac to give email continuity in the event of a change in ISPs, and a copy of iWeb had me thinking about a website, and the LHoC concept again came to the rescue when I was looking for some sort of structure for the thing.

That Little House of Concrete is still there, but, like Topsy, it just growed to the extent that I had to spin off a number of sub-sites dedicated to, among other things, Books and Reading, Music, Travelogues and Wine.

Another spin-off from that website is the bi-monthly Little House of Concrete newsletter, which, with a distribution list of fifteen of my friends and acquaintances, mightn't have set the digital publishing world on fire but virtual arson was never the point of the exercise.

Investigating the blogosphere, I thouight that the easiest way to keep track of wine blogs, for example, was to have a blog yourself and read the ones you're interested in from the Blogger dashboard, which explains the decision to start this one, but again it hasn't taken long to discover t the original notion needed refining.

The result is the following redistribution of content from this particular blog to:

The Little House of Concrete Bookshelves

The Little House of Concrete Music

and The Little House of Concrete Wine Rack.

The original Little House of Concrete's going to be sitting right where it is for the forseeable future, though I've relocated some of the older posts to the relevant newer versions.

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